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Dear Fellow Newbie

Dear Fellow Newbie is the new series of post I am writing featuring the lessons I've learned and continue to learn as a new blogger for new bloggers.

To kick off, let's start with a small tip.

Dear Fellow Newbie,

The Audience is not Your Mom.

Which means that while you mother may listen to you go on and on about every minor detail in your oh-so-eventful life, the people in your audience have lives of their own and don't really have the time nor the capacity to hang onto your every word. Therefore respect the time and attention they allot you and choose your words carefully.

Think about it. You enjoy posts that are concise, fun, and relatable. Give that same experience to your readers!

I have made the mistake of writing long and drawn out posts that are solely about me.

I have made the mistake of failing to write posts that make my audience feel included.

If I have made the two prior mistakes then I have ultimately failed to establish one of the most important aspects in the relationship between an author and their audience - a connection.

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